Saturday, January 11, 2014

How to Make Blogger Blog to visible in Search engine!

There are list of people earn money with blogger and adsense. They are try to be first on Google search.They are place post everyday. you are need to choose right keyword for your blog which are interesting for blog reader. So they are search your blog. 

You are need to find best keyword for blog.Use Google adword keyword tool. to find relevant keyword Write original content for your blog . don’t use use copy right material from another site or blog. Because google is clever it can easyly identify copy right content.  So best is that which topic you are know write on that so you can easily aware form copyright content .

Google Blogger tips to increase visibility on google search.

Use your main keyword to your Blogger name or url.

In which topic you want to create a blog just put keyword in blogger name example if you are create a blog which have SEO related article then you can choose SEO keyword for your blog like

Use your main keyword to your Blog post.

When you are post any article  you are need to focus on your main keyword. So Google can easily identify your related article in search result. you can use your keyword up to 2 or 3 times in post article and don’t write more keyword in article because  Google can spammed your article

Use your main keyword in Title.

Title tag is main point  because in search engine it is display in search result . you are need to post title tag is relevant to your article You can use 2  or 3 times your main keyword in title. make it attractive to user. caps keyword to feel good title tag. Like “10 Ways to Improve Blog Visibility!”.

Use your main keyword in label also.

Create back-links for your Blog

There are several ways to create back links for your blog in directory, fourms, comment  and you are also can backlinks for your post in bookmarking site I have displayed several social bookmarking site in my post.

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